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CSA is the abbreviation of the Canadian Standards Association. Founded in 1919, it is the first non-profit organization in Canada to set industry standards. Electronics, electrical appliances and other products sold in the North American market require safety certification. Currently, CSA is Canada's largest security certification authority and one of the world's most famous security certification organizations. It can provide safety certification for all types of products in machinery, building materials, electrical appliances, computer equipment, office equipment, environmental protection, medical fire safety, sports and entertainment. CSA has provided certification services for thousands of vendors around the world. Every year millions with CSA logo products in the North American market. Prior to 1992, products certified by the CSA could only be sold on the Canadian market, and products that wanted to enter the US market must also obtain US-related certification. CSA International has been recognized by the US federal government as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. This means that your product can be tested and certified according to Canadian and U.S. standards, while ensuring that your certification is recognized by the federal, state, provincial, and local governments.


 CSA's certification testing mainly focuses on eight aspects:

   Human survival and environment: including occupational health and safety, public safety, sports and entertainment equipment environmental protection and health care technology.

   Electrical and Electronic: Including the installation regulations for electrical equipment used in construction, and various electrical and electronic products for industrial and commercial use.

   Communications and Information: Includes residential processing systems, telecommunications and electromagnetic interference technologies and equipment.

   Building structure: including building materials and products, civil products, concrete, masonry structures, pipe fittings and architectural designs. Energy: Including energy regeneration and transfer, fuel combustion and safety equipment, nuclear energy technology.

   Transportation and distribution systems: including motor vehicle safety, oil and gas pipelines, material handling and distribution, and offshore facilities.

   Material technology: including welding and metallurgy.

   Commercial and production management systems: including quality management and basic engineering.


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